Google Ads PPC
We know you can probably figure out how to do most of your marketing and advertising without our help. However we believe that your time is more costly than ours. Ask us to set you up with Google Ads and we will let you focus on running your end of the business.Learn More
Affiliate Marketing
Once you have enough traffic through your web page you really want to introduce products that you use and would recommend to others. It’s almost that simple when you share your review with an affiliate you basically receive commission on transactions. This strategy also drives additional business to your door or internet doorway.
How Fast Is Your Page?
You may not realize this so we will share a tip with you at no cost other than the time it takes to read this…
Test your website page loading to see how responsive your page loads or lags. A quick load-time helps obtain and retain customers. A lag time on page loading may make your customers move on to the next link…
If you prefer, we can do this for you and keep you updated regularly if the dynamics of your page loading changes over time and avoid you from getting black-listed by the major search engines.
Social Media Needs
Do you have time to keep refreshed advertising, updated postings, creating events, replying to messages, following up on reviews. Researching your competition?
We do!!!
We do this so you don’t have to…
We perform digital marketing on various levels. Our niche market is small business start-ups or basically owners that really don’t have the time or patience to perform the menial tasks involved with the technology changes required to create a webpage, a social presence, marketing mailers, and general setup of a website with hosting geared toward your business and for scaling needs over time.
What we are known for? We started out with a technology background repairing PC’s, laptops, and all sorts of hardware setup and configurations. That brought us into networking and network management. From there we wanted to do something that is more behind the scenes and help customers grow business by bringing more attention to their social and web presence.
So just like you want potential change in your business, we understand. Look at how we started with hardware repair and migrated into something more exciting. That is actually our number one competitive advantage, we love change!!!
In business I learned a specific word that from the day I heard it I embraced it. That word is “paradigm”. It is not pronounced para-dig-em but like para-dime. The definition of the word is not what was so important to me, what was important is the example that was used to define it. Without going into detail the swiss were great watchmakers that were not worried when casio started in the business… Well who hasn’t owned a “G-Shock” watch?
What is important to us is helping the little guy. We didn’t get there alone, and neither will you…
We look forward to doing business together because you must be awesome to realize that it is breaking with the paradigm and sharing some of your responsibilities with us so you can focus on the business needs that appealed to you in the first place.

Next Steps…
This is should be a prospective customer’s number one call to action, e.g., requesting a quote or perusing your product catalog.